The Asshole Apocalypse…A Day in the Life

8:30 am  Put items outside door to donate for a VVA pickup today. Every time I open the door and go outside a loud power tool comes on at the house across the street. There has been a remodeling project going on there for over 2 months now. Loud cars/ trucks/motorcycles/commercial vehicles continue to drive up and down my street periodically as they have done for the past 10 months. Continue to get occasional air harassment/direct overhead flights at home and out in the community (choppers/small planes).

9:30 am Walk up hill to laundry room. Loud voices coming from rooftop patio over laundry room- one them is a HOA board member. They push furniture around loudly across the floor while I am in the laudry room. A female neighbor comes in and uses the washers right next to mine even though there are 5-6 other washers to choose from. I move my detergent bottle out of her reach because they are always looking for an opportunity. Noise campaign, synchronized harassment, stalking harassment, crowding harassment.

10:15 am Leave for Sheriff’s station. Synchronized vehicle/stalking harassment (aka “car ballet”) in front of my home. Tan car pulls up and idles in the crosswalk right before I pull out. Another car pulls up and idles next to it. Large truck idling in intersection, backs into a parking spot on the street.

10:30 am Sheriff’s dept. to report another stolen cell phone. Blocking and stalking harassment inside the station. Gesture harassment by staff (pointing), color coordinated harassment- clothing. A man enters and paces back and forth continuously. Another one does coughing harassment.

11:00 am  FedEx store. Vehicle harassment in the parking lot by a car with “handicapped” plates (I aasume it’s a mental handicap). Blocking harassment by a perp inside the store (dressed in bright green) when I try to get help. Color coordinated harassment- clothing.

11:30 am CVS.

11:45 am Smart & Final. A group of firemen stand near the entrance as I approach. Its obvious there’s a skit planned. They enter ahead of me and disperse inside the store, passing me multiple times while I shop. Stalking harassment, first Responder harassment. Color coordinated harassment in the store as usual- clothing.

12:00 pm  Arrive home, landscapers blocking my parking spot with large pile of branches. They have also blocked my front steps with a large bundle of branches. A lot of dust and dirt in the air, causing me to cough. Cab pulls up and drops of a neighbor in front of his house. Stalking harassment, blocking harassment, synchronized harassment, environmental harassment. Have you noticed how everyone from the grocery bagger to the bike messenger to the landscaper, etc. wears the little bright green or yellow safety vests now?

1:00 pm Go to pickup laundry, large bundle of branches still blocking my stairs. A neighbor talks loudly on the phone out on her balcony as I exit the laundry room. When I return from the laundry room one of the HOA board members is standing at the bottom of my stairs. He lives on the other side of the complex. I have to walk in between him and the bundle to pass. He just stands there and looks at me for no reason and tries to engage me in conversation. If you act like you don’t want to talk to them (because you know they are involved in Cointelpro/ criminal conspiracy), they will use it against you later. “I said hello and she just walked right by me.” Stalking harassment, synchronized harassment, crowding harassment, blocking harassment.

3:30 pm Sounds from inside my ceiling while I am using my bathroom, sounds like a person moving around.

4:00 pm Sounds from inside by bedroom ceiling, same thing.

5:10 pm Sudden, loud crashing sound coming from the other side of my bedroom wall while resting in my bed. Came from the apt. below or next to me.

6:00 pm Walk to Italian class, noise/ vehicle harassment, gesture harassment/ mimicking harassment from drivers.

7:00 pm Italian class- gesture harassment (pointing), mimicking, color coordinated harassment (clothing). PDA. Woman sitting next to me continuosly twirling ankle and moving both legs up and down while we watch a video, anything to catch your eye and distract/annoy you.

8:45 pm Walk home from class. Mexican male walking on opposite side of the street starts coughing. He then crosses the street and starts walking directly towards me. He had a black hoodie pulled over his head. I did not like this at all and told him to get away from me. He did not speak English or acted like he didn’t. I said some other choice words to him and walked ahead.

9:20 pm  Arrive at home, neighbor from next building out in the parking lot taking things out of car, acting like she just arrived too. She has actually been synchronizing this for years when I come and go, I just realized this summer it is stalking harassment. She once followed to me a grocery store after 10pm, when I came out she was standing there with a petition for people to sign. There was no one else around. She said it was to protect our property from eminent domain. I am now wondering wtf I actually signed.

When you are a TI, be prepared to have multiple “inhuman” moments throughout the day. The reason for this is because the people who are abusing you are not human. They are not men. They are not women. Just as there are no laws yet to protect TI’s and bring perps to justice, there are no words yet to describe these beings. They are not animals, because that term is way too good for them. I don’t know the words to describe them yet. I have wasted a lot of time trying though. And after 10 months of trying I’m here to say please don’t waste a second of your time. THEY ARE JUST NOT WORTH IT. Change the channel, meditate, pray, go about your business, have faith, think positive/beautiful thoughts, and focus on activism, opposing, and exposing Organized Cointelpro style gang stalking.

I watched ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’ last night and it’s so true that a fraud only gets away with things for so long. These people have tortured my Mom, my Dad, my sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends and they have absolutely no remorse or guilt about it. They actually get drunk/high off it. They work themselves up into a frenzy and masturbate to it while rabidly foaming at the mouth. The harassment becomes a compulsion and addiction, like a little child’s constant plea for attention. So when they continue to pass me in the produce aisle with their hands in their pockets and a smirk on their face, we know at least one word for them: insane.

Mind Control

Yesterday on Facebook I saw a picture of a cat being skinned alive in a foreign country. The 3 men in the picture were doing it for the sheer “enjoyment” of it. A targeted individual can empathize with this horrific torture. Being gang stalked is like being skinned alive psychologically. Your body is intact but your mind and spirit are completely stripped down. They strip of your dignity, your reputation, all of your social and family support, they try to strip you of your career, your home, your possessions, your finances, your sanity, your sense of security, your self-respect. They try to strip you of your very existence.

It has taken me a while to understand the term “mind control” but I’m starting to get it. The bottom line is, if I can secretly threaten you with torture, I can do anything I want to you. Right now there are multiple people in my life committing fraud by impersonating people. I was not aware of it until my stalking became overt this summer and these people were actively participating in it. If I try to go after these people and accuse them or try to prove they are fraudulent, I will be deemed “psychologically unstable” and possibly held involuntarily for a psychiatric evaluation. As an inpatient, I will be locked in a psych unit with 24/7 harassment and the anxiety of being held indefinitely and forced to take psych meds like Risperdal. You will do anything to avoid that and that is how you are “mind controlled”.

If you are wondering why there are so many suicides and murder suicides and shooting sprees recently, it is due to the above mind control. Many people crack from this pressure and resort to violence or suicide. The murder suicides result from the fraud mentioned above. How freaked out would you be if you found out someone was impersonating your brother or your Mom or your best friend for the past year? Living in their homes, sleeping in their beds, driving their cars? Living their lives? Fraud is actually an extremely powerful addiction for some. All these people driving into poles and trees lately, with family members in the car? Shooting up their whole families and themselves? See above for the reason why.

Target’s environments are controlled to add/ create stressors. You have been studied for your vulnerabilities, what buttons to push. Have sensitive lungs or allergies?  They will take every opportunity to pollute the air around you with dust, dirt clouds, perfume, car exhaust, mold/mildew, sawdust, smoke, chemicals/cleaning products. They know what smells you loathe: fabric softener, airplane bathroom odor. Smells that mimic you: mint gum, urine odor . Smells they use to ID each other: Menthol cough drops, perfume. Yesterday someone walked by wearing Polo cologne which always reminds of my first high school crush. No one wears this anymore. They will go take a shit in a public bathroom they know you are about to use. In a restaurant once, I got a really strong whiff of nasty fish odor when a waiter walked by empty handed.

If you react to any of the harassment, you are treated as unstable. Do it enough in the neighborhood and all the perp neighbors will get to tell the police that you are a problem and have been for a while. That you are always complaining or getting pissed or harassing people. That, quoting one perp, you are a “bitch, crazy, and antisocial.” This is the phase where I am supposed to become the crotchety old neighborhood “anti-government nutcase” that goes around being unfriendly or “weird”. Beeping my horn when they intentionally pull out in front of me and taking pics/vids. The problem is, the perps are only going to be able to pull this BS off for so much longer before it’s played out and the media and the general public picks up on it.

This is happening in neighborhoods ALL OVER AMERICA. And I really wish people would wake up. You can read heaps of scientific/psychiatric/government/military documents on everything I am writing about. My blog is about how it boils down into people’s lives. Organized Gang Stalking is the most invasive, disruptive, heinous, sadistic, and lethal method of torturing someone without touching them. Using any and all “legal” means possible to mentally fuck you and destroy your life. A lot of the harassment is actually extremely childish/clownish, but always with a hostile twist, and sociopaths are known to go to any length. And it’s all done with a smile, a laugh, and a bounce in their step, just like the men in the picture torturing the cat.

This is how terrorists, mass murderers, and suicidal people are being “manufactured”  in America and all over the world (targeted individuals). When the REAL terrorists, murderers, and mentally sick people are the ones doing this to innocent people (perps). Targeted individuals are their “puppets”.