Hello world!

This is a blog is about Organized Gang Stalking and electronic surveillance/ harassment in the city of Encinitas CA 92024, a city just North of San Diego CA,  and how a single person can be psychologically bound, gagged and gang raped by an entire city and everyone they know and loved. If you are a victim of this crime I hope it helps. You are not alone. If you are not a victim, please be aware that this is real and it can happen to anyone, including yourself. If you are a perp, God f*cking help you.

The following is my best generalized definition of gang stalking:

Organized gang stalking is an extreme form of community based harassment that encompasses non-consesual human experimentation and has every hallmark of domestic terrorism. With the help of technology, a single family or individual is targeted with 24/7 tracking and surveillance that can go on for decades. It is psychotronic warfare as the target becomes the victim of psychological torture by land, sea, and air. Victim is identified, vilified, and nullified, with the intention of being destroyed. Either by incarceration, institutionalization, or self-initiated execution. Many also die a “sudden death” by heart attack or stroke from the severe stress caused by gang stalking. Neighbors, co-workers, community members, business/retail employees, friends, family members are recruited to harass the individual(s). The victim’s entire social support is eliminated as friends and family members are targeted as well. Victim is literally stalked by hundreds to thousands
of people in every venue, including their own homes. Trafficking networks that are already set up for illegal trade in drugs, arms, sex, and human slaves are heavily involved. Harassment tactics are numerous and include “street theater”, gaslighting, mimicking, coded gestures, directed conversation, noise campaigns, and much more. Victims are sensitized to these tactics to let them know they are being followed and watched at all times. Since non-perpetrators may in fact may in fact make some of these same gestures, the victim can seem to have signs of a mental illness.

Gang stalking is legalized abuse and may sound like innocent fun but can be highly lethal. A victim may describe it as desperately climbing the walls of a gas chamber without any help in sight. Law enforcement agencies, attorneys, Employee unions, doctors, and politicians will not help victims. In fact, many of them are also involved or complicit in the harassment. The torture has escalated with advances in technology such as satellite tracking and through wall imaging, voice to skull communication, directed energy weapons, and artificial telepathy where a victims thoughts can be read in real time.

Gang stalking is hardly a new concept and similar tactics of organized harassment have already been used in the following: Stasi police, KKK, Pro-life groups, Satanic Ritual Abuse, FBI Cointelpro, MK Ultra, Monarch programming, workplace mobbing, and to help eject residents of rent- controlled apartments. The difference now is the levels of harassment have escalated 10 fold due to the involvement of Federal intelligence agencies, DHS, and the fear mongering caused by “terrorism”. The endgame is worldwide depopulation, mind control, and slavery.


Shortly after Megan realized she was a victim of gang stalking, the harassment escalated severely. She became the target of workplace mobbing, harassment by neighbors, community members, and first responders. This included stalking by groups in the hundreds to thousands on foot, bicycle, and by car. The harassment became so intense she had a severe panic attack and was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold where a fraudulent doctor attempted to diagnosis her with schizophrenia, put her on antipsychotic meds and place her under a conservatorship.