DMV male perp standing center,  4/01/14. Congrats, perp, this is your 15 minutes of fame!

DMV male perp standing center, 4/01/14. Congrats, perp, this is your 15 minutes of fame!


Today I had an appt. at DMV to get a new plate and renew my registration. The appt. was for 11 am and this place was crowded. A line wrapping around the building and I had to park a block away. On the way in I was blocked twice by a young Asian male walking in front of my car and a large city utility truck.

A sign outside said to go see the security guard at the door if you have an appt. As soon as I reached the front door the man pictured above tried to cut in front of me. At the same time the guard, who looked to be 100 years old, got distracted by his walky-talky, stepped back and let this man in and cut everyone. The man was a perp and made a fake apology when I called him out for cutting me off. “Oh I’m sorry, I was looking at my paper” with a phony smile. When I told him to be more careful or he’s going to hurt someone, he asked me if he hurt me, then called me a weirdo. This was a prepared “skit”.

Perps are told to act oblivious to their surroundings when they block you, but you know they are laser focused on your location. And when you do call them out it’s always “Oh, sorry, I was distracted by my cellphone, kid, dog, jerking off to kiddie porn, etc.”. And they never act genuinely sorry or guilty, or remorseful. Their whole objective is to walk right up to the borderline of illegal activity and sit there. They give not one fuck who they offend.

The perp man stood in a line to my left as a large Mexican family blocked me from the appt. desk. The place is crowded and noisy. I finally get help and the woman’s voice is so low it’s barely comprehensible. She gives me forms to fill out and as I go to sit down, I pass the same male perp who is now standing in a line to my right to block my path. They pull this shit all the time where they stalk you around an area. As I passed him he asked “Did I hurt ya?” and started laughing. I gave him a fake laugh and told him how funny he was. What an epic loser.

As I fill out the forms he then appears sitting in a row across from me and starts talking loud and fast to his neighbors. He is talking about nothing, complete bullshit, and he sounds like he is on speed or coke. It is meant to distract me from the forms. This has happened to me at DMV in the past where a group of Mexican high school boys sat near me and talked loudly while taking the CA driver’s test.

Perp douche finally leaves and I finish my forms and get back in the appt. line. I wait patiently as the woman waives half a dozen people through from the “handicapped” line ahead of me. She gives me a number and I take a seat again. Cough harassment, crowding, blocking harassment, noise harassment, etc. while I wait.

My number is called and I go up to another desk. We have to move around the corner to make a payment. When I meet here there a man walks up right away and tries to distract her by asking for help. He acts desperate but she ignores him :). He follows us back the the other desk and he starts bothering her neighbor and getting really loud. The “real” security guard had switched posts with the phony one by this time but he did nothing. The desperate perp finally gave up and got another number. I tell the lady I would need to take a sedative to do her job.

I am out in less than an hour and there is still a line around the building. This is my first time to this DMV location. I don’t know if it’s always like that here or if this is theater. Why would you stand in that line forever when it is so easy to make an appt.?


Police/Sheriff/Fire/Lifeguard Dept. Harassment Log 12/10/13-12/31/13

12/20/13 @ 1027 am-  SDPD or CHP patrol car parked on right shoulder 5 South Freeway. Officer standing behind car pointing speed meter at traffic.

12/22/13 @ 257 pm- Passed by SDSD SUV Hwy. 101 Encinitas, CA.

@ 430 pm- Passed SDSD patrol car parked at school Vulcan Dr.

12/24/13 @ 1120 pm- Passed SDPD or CHP patrol car “traffic stop” right shoulder of 5 North Freeway in Carlsbad, CA.

12/25/13 @ 359 pm- Passed SDSD SUV on 5 South Freeway Sorrento Valley.

@ 401 pm- Passed by same SDSD SUV as I exit 5 South Freeway.

@ 406 pm- Private ambulance parked at destination near UTC.

@ 413 pm- Passed by red ambulance w/ lights and sirens on.

12/27/13 @ 9 pm- While walking South on Quail Gardens Drive, SDSD Patrol speeds North towards me with lights flashing and stops on curb directly in front of me. A second later I see a tan pickup stopped on curb directly behind me for a staged “traffic stop”.

12/30/13 @ 952 am- Large Firetruck passes in front of my home, no lights or sirens.

12/31/13 @ 430 pm-  Passed by white state or city Lifeguard truck at South Ponto Beach in Carlsbad, CA.

@ 445 pm- Passed same Lifeguard truck again after he U-turns and parks facing the water minutes before I pass.

@ 615 pm- Passed by SDSD patrol car Encinitas Blvd. Eastbound.

First Responder Harassment also includes excessive sirens up and down the Blvd. 2 blocks from my home. The sirens will frequently be synchronized with certain activities: right after I get out of bed in the morning; when I start/end my work shift; when I start/end my work breaks; when I go to the bathroom or get out of the shower; or when I write about police corruption online.

Similarities Between Gang Stalking And Human Trafficking

“An Observation of how Psychological Coercion is used in Gang Stalking and Human Trafficking.”

“The methods used to terrorize victims of human trafficking have remarkable similarities to the experiences reported by TI’s.”

referenced: “Invisible Chains: Psychological Coercion of Human Trafficking Victims” by Elizabeth Hopper, PhD. and Joseph Hidalgo, M.D.

If it’s not Peace it’s violence. If it’s not Peace it’s War.

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner recently resigned due to a sudden onslaught of allegations of sexual harassment. He resigned under extreme conditions of extra judicial justice and not because any of the accusations were actually verified. He referred to these people as a lynch mob which is correct. Under the Odrama administration, social justice comes from the top down and the bottom up without a lick of proof, just a lot of fingers pointing. Fast and Furious is not just an arms scandal but the entire theme for Odrama’s presidency. At a city council meeting one week before he resigned, Mayor Filner spoke in his own defense and made a statement that sums up targeting so well. “I provided them with the ammunition, they aimed the gun and pulled the trigger.” Filner admitted to having boundary issues with women and was open to treatment, but due process seemed out of the question. In contrast, in response to a question about Filner being framed by local developers for political reasons, a commentator on NPR later said “Well, we provided the kindling, Filner threw the gasoline on it and lit the match.” I am sure this is exactly how the lynch mob sees it, which just shows how psychopathic they are.

When my stalking went overt last summer, local law enforcement had every intention of murdering me. Either by suiciding me or homicide by law enforcement. The “strategy of tension” the gang stalkers created was phenomenal. I could tell the perps were ready for a big scene that would include violence everywhere I went. Their blood thirst was palpable.

In the moments I sat at my cubicle in my office on 6/28/12 before 2 police officers arrived I remember suddenly feeling very unsafe. At this point I was about 2 weeks into the overt stalking and had already experienced days of terrorism and harassment. The mobbing was full force at work complete with flooding my office with non-employees (posing as employees) and look alikes impersonating administrators. I calmly asked to speak to my boss and sat and waited. I did not know they had called the police. But in the moments before they arrived a busied hush came over the office and I remember feeling a distinct fear for my physical safety. That is because those officers were waiting for any excuse to pull out a gun and kill me. They were waiting for me to lunge at one of my coworkers, delirious with terror and confusion. Those coworkers thought they were about to witness a murder.

In the 1-2 months leading up to the overt gang stalking I noticed both my downstairs neighbors installing black metal security gates over their front doors. They both put them up within a month of each other. I have lived here 11 years and they never had these gates before but I shrugged it off. I now realize they were girding themselves for violence. There was also a huge criminal element in the neighborhood with all the human slime that moved in to harass me. But these people were taking security measures in case I panicked and got violent, they had every expectation of this from the level of harassment and provocation they were giving me. One of them had her college aged son stay with her for a few weeks in the beginning because she was so scared.

I also remember going to the beach around this time. Yes I went surfing in the midst of this as a giant “fuck you” to these people. I would go to Swami’s which is a local beach that is known world wide for its break. Every time I approached I would notice an exodus of what looked like regular surfers, grown men. Rushing away, running up the stairs, piling their gear into their cars. Could not get away fast enough. These guys knew exactly what was going on and did not want to be a part of it. Did not want to witness or be associated with a murder by law enforcement. You see, this beach has a web cam that can be seen all over the world.

This is how they get an innocent person killed. A stable, independent person with no criminal record, no psychiatric or medical problems; a law-abiding, gainfully employed, tax paying citizen. I have never had a single legal, criminal, or personal issue with any member of law enforcement, anywhere, ever. Look around you, look at the myriad of stories you are seeing in the media now about innocent people suddenly committing acts of violence, barricading themselves in their homes until they are killed by SWAT teams. This is everywhere. These people are doing this because they are being gang stalked. I will never hurt my self or anyone else physically.

When you drive loud vehicles up and down my street and driveway, that is violence. When you are loud and curse and yell at each other in public, that is violence. When you fly choppers low over me everywhere I go, that is violence. When you sexually harass me in public, that is violence. When you are stalked by civilians and first responders, that is violence. When you stalk me en masse and sensitize me to physical stimuli that induces feelings of paranoia everywhere I go, whether it’s from a perp or not, that’s violence. When you destroy my trust in everyone and everything, that is violence. When you deny me from any possible means of legal/social/emotional support or validation of victimization, that is violence. When you mob me at work, that is violence. When law enforcement shows up at your job, tackles you and handcuffs you without witnessing anything or questioning you, that is violence. When you are taunted, mimicked, ridiculed, mobbed, bullied, that is violence. When you viciously alienate, humiliate, isolate, and degrade me that is violence. When you are forcefully separated from your friends and family, that is violence. When you steal and vandalize my property, that is violence. When you illegally enter my home, auto, and storage unit, that is violence. When you falsely imprison me, that is violence. When you commit fraud, that is violence. When you commit menticide with surreal street theater and fake mental illness diagnoses, that is violence. When you invade my physical and mental privacy that is violence. When you sexually assault me in my sleep that is violence. When you cause bodily pain with DEW that is violence. When you are intentionally made to feel fear and unpredictability all the time, that is violence.  When you conspire with others to make every effort to destroy a person’s life that is violence. And when someone besides me responds with violence to these acts, after being turned down for help everywhere they asked, in my opinion they are completely justified.

**I am beginning to wonder if my city has a long standing history of hate due to racism. If so, adding more categories of people as targets for OGS/EH was probably just a lateral move. I am noticing a current trend in targeting people who are considered “pious” and trustworthy, or in other words, “too normal”.

The Replacements

I’m going to write some things in this post that a lot of people are not ready to hear, including other TI’s. It’s something I’ve wanted to write about since I started this blog but didn’t know how. I still really don’t, and a lot of it is hypothesis, but I feel compelled to put it out there before it’s too late for some people, or a lot of people. This topic is one of the most puzzling and horrifying parts of my harassment. I have only encountered about 4-5 other TI’s who know about it or have been exposed to it.

Perps like to gaslight targets, or change their perception of reality, turning it into a surreal, dream-like setting. There are lots of ways they do this. One of the ways is with look-alikes, or “replacements”. I have also heard them referred to as “surrogates”, “twins”, “imposters”, and “doubles”. One TI said there are even “triplets” sometimes. I just saw an awful story on Facebook about farmers skinning a Mom’s dead calf and placing the skin over another live calf like a jacket to fool her. I’m not sure what the purpose is, but this is extremely cruel and confusing to the Mom. Perps are doing a similar thing to people right now.  I was bombarded with look-alikes when my targeting became overt last summer. And they are still doing it consistently in one setting.

These are my thoughts/ observations on “replacements”:

– They are made to look very similar to the person they are impersonating. Some are almost identical while others are very obviously a “cheap knockoff”. The identical ones are often used to impersonate family members, they are the most terrifying. The shoddy impersonators are used at work, local businesses, dentist’s office, therapist’s office, sheriff dept., to impersonate your neighbors, etc. in order to agitate the target. These will be very obvious to you but the torture is not being able to bust them for it.

– I don’t know if they are using actual clones, cloning specific features, plastic surgery, and/or facial transplants for the identical replacements. They will try to pass these ones off as family members, and they will be very convincing as they will know a lot about your family, but they will make mistakes. And of course, they will exhibit behaviors from your harassment protocol.

– Replacements are used for both perps and targets. When a perp has a replacement, it is for the purpose of gaslighting. When a target has a replacement, I think it means the target is dead or otherwise completely neutralized ( see below). I am certain they had a replacement ready for me last summer. I think it’s possible they might also gaslight low-level perps with look-alikes of the target.

– When a target is replaced, I think it means one of three things: the original target is dead, in jail, or institutionalized. If they are in jail or institutionalized, the perps must be pretty confident they are not getting out if they have replaced them. I am wondering if this is where NDAA is coming into play. If you can now be detained indefinitely, for no just reason, without any family contact, who’s to say they aren’t putting people in FEMA camps already? If the people in camps have been “replaced” by identical people (perps) out in society, no one will know until it is way too late. The other advantage to perps is that these identical replacements will be programmed to terrorize the rest of us.

– If a target is imprisoned or institutionalized and “replaced” with a double in society, this actually constitutes a kidnapping and fraud.

– If a target is programmed for a self initiated execution i.e. suicide and “replaced” with a double in society, this constitutes a murder, or a conspiracy to murder and fraud.

– I recently read that in the US, suicide has surpassed motor vehicle accidents as the number one cause of death from injury. Because of the above, I think the suicide rate is MUCH higher than what we know. If the suicide can be hidden and swept under the rug so no one knows about it, the target can be replaced seamlessly. I think this also goes for targets who go in for surgeries/procedures and are possibly murdered and replaced while they under anesthesia. I am certain some targets are “getting help” dying after being admitted to hospitals for medical problems and surgeries. Not all are replaced, if they had serious health problems to begin with, they don’t have to make the effort.

– Some of this may tie into what has happened in Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Boston. Many are saying these people are crisis actors and frauds, with some of the same characters being used more than once. And a possible look-alike being used now for the Boston bombing victim who had both legs injured.

– Replacing targeted family members with identical perps may be the reason for the recent increase in family suicide-murders.

-Some targets who think they are dealing with perp family members harassing them may not realize they are actually dealing with “replacements.”

Hello world!

This is a blog is about Organized Gang Stalking and electronic surveillance/ harassment in the city of Encinitas CA 92024, a city just North of San Diego CA,  and how a single person can be psychologically bound, gagged and gang raped by an entire city and everyone they know and loved. If you are a victim of this crime I hope it helps. You are not alone. If you are not a victim, please be aware that this is real and it can happen to anyone, including yourself. If you are a perp, God f*cking help you.

The following is my best generalized definition of gang stalking:

Organized gang stalking is an extreme form of community based harassment that encompasses non-consesual human experimentation and has every hallmark of domestic terrorism. With the help of technology, a single family or individual is targeted with 24/7 tracking and surveillance that can go on for decades. It is psychotronic warfare as the target becomes the victim of psychological torture by land, sea, and air. Victim is identified, vilified, and nullified, with the intention of being destroyed. Either by incarceration, institutionalization, or self-initiated execution. Many also die a “sudden death” by heart attack or stroke from the severe stress caused by gang stalking. Neighbors, co-workers, community members, business/retail employees, friends, family members are recruited to harass the individual(s). The victim’s entire social support is eliminated as friends and family members are targeted as well. Victim is literally stalked by hundreds to thousands
of people in every venue, including their own homes. Trafficking networks that are already set up for illegal trade in drugs, arms, sex, and human slaves are heavily involved. Harassment tactics are numerous and include “street theater”, gaslighting, mimicking, coded gestures, directed conversation, noise campaigns, and much more. Victims are sensitized to these tactics to let them know they are being followed and watched at all times. Since non-perpetrators may in fact may in fact make some of these same gestures, the victim can seem to have signs of a mental illness.

Gang stalking is legalized abuse and may sound like innocent fun but can be highly lethal. A victim may describe it as desperately climbing the walls of a gas chamber without any help in sight. Law enforcement agencies, attorneys, Employee unions, doctors, and politicians will not help victims. In fact, many of them are also involved or complicit in the harassment. The torture has escalated with advances in technology such as satellite tracking and through wall imaging, voice to skull communication, directed energy weapons, and artificial telepathy where a victims thoughts can be read in real time.

Gang stalking is hardly a new concept and similar tactics of organized harassment have already been used in the following: Stasi police, KKK, Pro-life groups, Satanic Ritual Abuse, FBI Cointelpro, MK Ultra, Monarch programming, workplace mobbing, and to help eject residents of rent- controlled apartments. The difference now is the levels of harassment have escalated 10 fold due to the involvement of Federal intelligence agencies, DHS, and the fear mongering caused by “terrorism”. The endgame is worldwide depopulation, mind control, and slavery.


Shortly after Megan realized she was a victim of gang stalking, the harassment escalated severely. She became the target of workplace mobbing, harassment by neighbors, community members, and first responders. This included stalking by groups in the hundreds to thousands on foot, bicycle, and by car. The harassment became so intense she had a severe panic attack and was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold where a fraudulent doctor attempted to diagnosis her with schizophrenia, put her on antipsychotic meds and place her under a conservatorship.