DMV male perp standing center,  4/01/14. Congrats, perp, this is your 15 minutes of fame!

DMV male perp standing center, 4/01/14. Congrats, perp, this is your 15 minutes of fame!


Today I had an appt. at DMV to get a new plate and renew my registration. The appt. was for 11 am and this place was crowded. A line wrapping around the building and I had to park a block away. On the way in I was blocked twice by a young Asian male walking in front of my car and a large city utility truck.

A sign outside said to go see the security guard at the door if you have an appt. As soon as I reached the front door the man pictured above tried to cut in front of me. At the same time the guard, who looked to be 100 years old, got distracted by his walky-talky, stepped back and let this man in and cut everyone. The man was a perp and made a fake apology when I called him out for cutting me off. “Oh I’m sorry, I was looking at my paper” with a phony smile. When I told him to be more careful or he’s going to hurt someone, he asked me if he hurt me, then called me a weirdo. This was a prepared “skit”.

Perps are told to act oblivious to their surroundings when they block you, but you know they are laser focused on your location. And when you do call them out it’s always “Oh, sorry, I was distracted by my cellphone, kid, dog, jerking off to kiddie porn, etc.”. And they never act genuinely sorry or guilty, or remorseful. Their whole objective is to walk right up to the borderline of illegal activity and sit there. They give not one fuck who they offend.

The perp man stood in a line to my left as a large Mexican family blocked me from the appt. desk. The place is crowded and noisy. I finally get help and the woman’s voice is so low it’s barely comprehensible. She gives me forms to fill out and as I go to sit down, I pass the same male perp who is now standing in a line to my right to block my path. They pull this shit all the time where they stalk you around an area. As I passed him he asked “Did I hurt ya?” and started laughing. I gave him a fake laugh and told him how funny he was. What an epic loser.

As I fill out the forms he then appears sitting in a row across from me and starts talking loud and fast to his neighbors. He is talking about nothing, complete bullshit, and he sounds like he is on speed or coke. It is meant to distract me from the forms. This has happened to me at DMV in the past where a group of Mexican high school boys sat near me and talked loudly while taking the CA driver’s test.

Perp douche finally leaves and I finish my forms and get back in the appt. line. I wait patiently as the woman waives half a dozen people through from the “handicapped” line ahead of me. She gives me a number and I take a seat again. Cough harassment, crowding, blocking harassment, noise harassment, etc. while I wait.

My number is called and I go up to another desk. We have to move around the corner to make a payment. When I meet here there a man walks up right away and tries to distract her by asking for help. He acts desperate but she ignores him :). He follows us back the the other desk and he starts bothering her neighbor and getting really loud. The “real” security guard had switched posts with the phony one by this time but he did nothing. The desperate perp finally gave up and got another number. I tell the lady I would need to take a sedative to do her job.

I am out in less than an hour and there is still a line around the building. This is my first time to this DMV location. I don’t know if it’s always like that here or if this is theater. Why would you stand in that line forever when it is so easy to make an appt.?


Dr. Phil Show 1/09/14: “I Swear I’m Being Cyber Stalked, Wiretapped and Followed” (click subtitle for link)

Dr. Phil Show 1/09/14: “I Swear I’m Being Cyber Stalked, Wiretapped and Followed”

For the past four years, Matt, 51, claims that he has been stalked, wiretapped and hacked by thousands of people affiliated with a group that he calls “The Organization.” Matt says that he believes his stalkers are “cyber geeks” who have nothing better to do with their time and money than toy with people’s lives. Hear the evidence Matt says he has collected — and what a private investigator, hired by Dr. Phil, uncovers. Plus, Matt admits to past drug use involving methamphetamines but says that he’s been clean for six months. He agrees to both a drug test and a mental evaluation to prove that his claims are valid — what will the results show?

Dr. Phil Show 1/09/14

Youtube link full show:

Workplace Mobbing 2006-2007

These are some examples of workplace mobbing at a local surgical center I worked at for a year from 2006-2007 before I knew I was a TI. I was employed as an RN and worked in the pre-op area by myself or occasionally with one other RN. Harassment came from other RN’s, MD’s, administrative staff, and patients. Multiple other people were hired at the same time as me, all of whom I now suspect were perps.

Examples include:

Spreading rumors that I was stealing food/ drinks from the break room. Coworkers were told to peer into my tote bag periodically. An office manager would regularly spy on me while in the break room either through an exterior glass door or by walking in and inspecting the glass doored cooler full of drinks.

Due to the above rumor, the exterior door/exit in the break room was locked and another exit had to be used. There was a skit in the pre-op area one day with the OR manager and an MD. He asked “Why is that door locked” Her directed response was “Oh there were too many bags going in and out, too many bags”. She was such a dipshit. I called her Hot Lips, like Margaret Houlihan from MASH. Locking this exit was likely a fire code violation.

One afternoon I witnessed an operating room nurse filling her bags with drinks from the cooler and letting herself out the locked break room door with her own key. She left the same time as me. I now figure she was stealing and putting the blame on me. Another OR nurse witnessed this and distracted me while the nurse filled her bag with items.

Due to a few filing errors w/ incoming faxes, all filing responsibilities were suddenly removed from the pre-op area to another office area. I’m a nurse, not a secretary. Every effort is made to make the target seem incompetent and dumb. One secretary even spread rumors I was retarded.

A female ENT MD berated me in front of a patient for not being able to find part of the patient’s record. “Are you new ?” she blurted as I was crouched down putting TED hose on a patient.***

This same MD was transferred to the pre op section when she called early one morning to ask about a patient. The call should have been transferred to the Operating room. When I answered the phone all she said was her name. I was confused and told her I didn’t page her to which response she got super pissed. When I saw her later in the locker room I attempted a sincere apology. She acted like a fucking demon and said “Yeah you better leave” when I headed for the door. Wow. She later complained to my boss about me, before I had a chance to tell my boss how inappropriate she was. What a cunt.

Constant interruptions of my work and hijacking of my charts. Directed conversation “They’ll hire anyone these days.” Making fun of my weight, how much I eat. Not covering me on my breaks, interrupting my breaks. Telling me I can’t start work before a certain time in the morning. Operating room staff congregating in my work area, setting off alarms on machines. Staff mimicking questions I asked the office manager.

Since no one covered my breaks, I would take a short break before and after everyone else ate lunch. The surgery center provided a bagel breakfast and lunch for staff every day. The bagels were left out until late am until the Operating manager caught on to my routine. She promptly had the janitor put everything away before my late am break. Once during a late afternoon break I was interrupted because no one was covering me. I heard another nurse in the break room state I was taking 2 lunches. I came in to work before everyone and they all went to lunch before me. If that cunt only knew.

MD’s complaining about how I put the charts together. Secretaries delaying the charts to hold me up. Patient names frequently misspelled so the chart had to go back to the front office for corrections. Secretaries causing delays in the front office so I would get blamed for delays in pre-op. Pressure and harassment by MD’s and operating room staff due to resulting delays in pre-op.

I adopted a Mom cat and 2 kittens. I was going to give one to my nephew but he already got one. I asked around at work and a secretary offered a home right away at her Father-in-laws. He just lost his wife. It was too easy. She came over that same day and picked him up. His name was Dylan. When I returned to the office in the summer of 2012 to visit, this same secretary told me Dylan died recently at the groomers’. “He was only six and he was healthy…” There was heavy gaslighting and PsyOps going on there now and I’m not sure if she was lying. But it was definitely meant to upset me and it did.

Anesthesia MD ridiculing me to other staff. Compared me to “superstar” character on Saturday Night Live (“Mary Katherine”) and had other staff start calling me “superstar” behind my back within earshot. I have a strong suspicion they had a hidden camera set up in the women’s locker room and bathroom there.

MD berated me for “watching him” after he hijacked a chart I was working on. Berated by secretary for walking up to front office to ask them to pick up a call I couldn’t transfer, “I thought I told you not to come up here anymore. I am going to speak to ___ about this.” Super cunt.

Owner MD of surgical center started a rumor I made his wife cry after I asked for more silverware at a house party she threw for a coworker who got engaged. “I don’t know about you..” he stated after walking into my work area one day. What the fuck don’t you know about me???***

I was also “brighted” by this same MD at the party mentioned above while sitting at an outdoor table conversing with a coworker’s husband, turning on a huge blinding overhead light directly over our table. At this same party I was told by another RN I could not sign a card for the coworker because I did not donate for his gift. I was never asked for a donation.

Contracted maintenance worker that was just gross. Would stand directly in my path changing ceiling bulbs. Bend over and show lots of butt crack for extended periods of time. Acted like he couldn’t wait for me to leave so he could take over my desk/ work area since he didn’t have one. Ogled me after I changed out of my uniform.

Patients that knew personal information about me. Patients evasive, demanding, impatient, acting out.

Operation room manager berating me in front of patient for not providing blankets to the patients when her staff could just as easily do it. Berated by same manager in front of a patient for having her stapler in my work area (which was already there when I was hired.) After she left my work area this time the patient asked incredulously, “Is she going to be my nurse?”

L. was an RN hired a few months after me to work in pre-op and recovery room. The first time I met her she just stared at me blankly. She reminded me of that zombie episode from the Flintstones…Yabba…Dabba..Dooooo.. with the spiraling eyeballs. She immediately proceeded to go into advanced perp hijinks which included: Undermining me, alienating me, gossiping about me, getting me blamed for errors/making me look incompetent, shirking responsibilities, and doing the “flakey” act.

When L. worked in Pre-op she acted like she wanted to be in the Recovery room and vice versa. She would flit back and forth on her own volition and once left one of my patients high and dry in the middle of checking her vital signs. One of our duties were to make “burritos” which were pt gowns and slippers rolled up in a plastic tote bag. Since I was conscientious about making a steady supply of these, L. would intentionally neglect to do it on my days off, leaving double the work for me when I returned.

One of L.’s highlight skits was the morning she showed up late when she was supposed to be prepping all the eye surgery patients. She waited until I went ahead and started prepping them myself because I didn’t want to just let them sit there. As soon as I took the first patient back, she appeared (tipped off by the secretary) and started admitting my patients. When I asked her what (the fuck) she was doing, she answered “Well I wasn’t just going to let them sit there!” s.u.p.e.r. c.u.n.t.

MD’s complaining about me shutting the doors of patients rooms while they waited to see their doctors. Their right to privacy trumps the MD’s need for convenience. I noticed when MD’s family members came in as patients, the doors stayed shut the whole time.

Ridiculed by the Operating Room manager in front of my boss during a mock fire drill. I was instructed to put post-it notes on the closed doors of any patient rooms that were occupied. When I didn’t demonstrate this right away, Hot Lips said to my boss “just look at her..” Why the fuck would you put a post-it note on a patient’s door during a fire? The first thing you are supposed to do during a fire is rescue the patient (RACE). The exit door was 3 feet away FFS. What a dumb cunt.

Berated by the Recovery Room manager one morning while admitting a pediatric patient. Both parents came to the surgery center but one stayed in the waiting room. “Why didn’t you tell them both to come into pre-op?” she asked when she showed up 30 minutes later, annoyed. “They are friends of mine”. If they are your friends and you were expecting them, then why didn’t you come in earlier to meet them?

Stalked by 3 different coworkers on 3 different occasions: at the beach, at the market, and at a conference. The coworker “friend” who helped me get this job also engaged in the harassment and also gaslighting after I got mobbed at my new job in 2012.

Excluded from invitations to parties/gatherings outside work. When I was invited it was solely so I could be the “stooge” and “the butt of all the jokes” for entertainment.

When I returned to inquire about being rehired in the summer of 2012, overt targeting and PsyOps was in full swing there complete with look alikes and gaslighting. A huge American flag hung in the waiting room. Many of the regular staff had left but Hot Lips was ready and waiting for me.

This was just one of the many jobs I have been mobbed at but the harassment had definitely escalated to and unprecedented level for that time period. They would not hire me again in 2012 (even though the boss stated she would when I left in 2007) and asking to be rehired there is probably hands down the most insane thing I have ever done, if anything at all.

A couple of these examples have stars *** after then for a reason because I like to pint out common recurring themes/ trends with perps.

***Body language is very important to perps, theirs and yours. Notice how they always try to stand on any type of elevation, put their hands across/above a door frame, fill up space and look big/tall. Targets need to make a conscious effort to do this too. Any TI body language that shows weakness provokes the perp like an animal.

***The second theme is making up stories out of thin air/fantasy about the target in order to create hatred for them. It’s like a hate “wet dream”. ‘I can’t find any real reason to hate you so I’m just going to pull a real zinger out of my ass and jerk off to that’. It reminds me of a story I read about an abusive factory farm worker who repeatedly raped a pig with a stick. In order to justify the abuse, the worker made up a fantasy story that he was about to have sex with a beautiful woman and the pig scared her off. This is the caliber and quality of the kinds of rumors that perps start about targets every day. It is sheer psychopathy and demonic.

Similarities Between Gang Stalking And Human Trafficking

“An Observation of how Psychological Coercion is used in Gang Stalking and Human Trafficking.”

“The methods used to terrorize victims of human trafficking have remarkable similarities to the experiences reported by TI’s.”

referenced: “Invisible Chains: Psychological Coercion of Human Trafficking Victims” by Elizabeth Hopper, PhD. and Joseph Hidalgo, M.D.

Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard Shooting Suspect, Thought People Followed Him With Microwave Machine

Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard Shooting Suspect, Thought People Followed Him With Microwave Machine

Aaron Alexis was a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL. Tortured with V2K, DEW, and Organized Gang Stalking. 

This is not about mental illness, this is not about psych meds, this is not about gun control, this is not about addictions to violent video games. 



The Replacements

I’m going to write some things in this post that a lot of people are not ready to hear, including other TI’s. It’s something I’ve wanted to write about since I started this blog but didn’t know how. I still really don’t, and a lot of it is hypothesis, but I feel compelled to put it out there before it’s too late for some people, or a lot of people. This topic is one of the most puzzling and horrifying parts of my harassment. I have only encountered about 4-5 other TI’s who know about it or have been exposed to it.

Perps like to gaslight targets, or change their perception of reality, turning it into a surreal, dream-like setting. There are lots of ways they do this. One of the ways is with look-alikes, or “replacements”. I have also heard them referred to as “surrogates”, “twins”, “imposters”, and “doubles”. One TI said there are even “triplets” sometimes. I just saw an awful story on Facebook about farmers skinning a Mom’s dead calf and placing the skin over another live calf like a jacket to fool her. I’m not sure what the purpose is, but this is extremely cruel and confusing to the Mom. Perps are doing a similar thing to people right now.  I was bombarded with look-alikes when my targeting became overt last summer. And they are still doing it consistently in one setting.

These are my thoughts/ observations on “replacements”:

– They are made to look very similar to the person they are impersonating. Some are almost identical while others are very obviously a “cheap knockoff”. The identical ones are often used to impersonate family members, they are the most terrifying. The shoddy impersonators are used at work, local businesses, dentist’s office, therapist’s office, sheriff dept., to impersonate your neighbors, etc. in order to agitate the target. These will be very obvious to you but the torture is not being able to bust them for it.

– I don’t know if they are using actual clones, cloning specific features, plastic surgery, and/or facial transplants for the identical replacements. They will try to pass these ones off as family members, and they will be very convincing as they will know a lot about your family, but they will make mistakes. And of course, they will exhibit behaviors from your harassment protocol.

– Replacements are used for both perps and targets. When a perp has a replacement, it is for the purpose of gaslighting. When a target has a replacement, I think it means the target is dead or otherwise completely neutralized ( see below). I am certain they had a replacement ready for me last summer. I think it’s possible they might also gaslight low-level perps with look-alikes of the target.

– When a target is replaced, I think it means one of three things: the original target is dead, in jail, or institutionalized. If they are in jail or institutionalized, the perps must be pretty confident they are not getting out if they have replaced them. I am wondering if this is where NDAA is coming into play. If you can now be detained indefinitely, for no just reason, without any family contact, who’s to say they aren’t putting people in FEMA camps already? If the people in camps have been “replaced” by identical people (perps) out in society, no one will know until it is way too late. The other advantage to perps is that these identical replacements will be programmed to terrorize the rest of us.

– If a target is imprisoned or institutionalized and “replaced” with a double in society, this actually constitutes a kidnapping and fraud.

– If a target is programmed for a self initiated execution i.e. suicide and “replaced” with a double in society, this constitutes a murder, or a conspiracy to murder and fraud.

– I recently read that in the US, suicide has surpassed motor vehicle accidents as the number one cause of death from injury. Because of the above, I think the suicide rate is MUCH higher than what we know. If the suicide can be hidden and swept under the rug so no one knows about it, the target can be replaced seamlessly. I think this also goes for targets who go in for surgeries/procedures and are possibly murdered and replaced while they under anesthesia. I am certain some targets are “getting help” dying after being admitted to hospitals for medical problems and surgeries. Not all are replaced, if they had serious health problems to begin with, they don’t have to make the effort.

– Some of this may tie into what has happened in Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Boston. Many are saying these people are crisis actors and frauds, with some of the same characters being used more than once. And a possible look-alike being used now for the Boston bombing victim who had both legs injured.

– Replacing targeted family members with identical perps may be the reason for the recent increase in family suicide-murders.

-Some targets who think they are dealing with perp family members harassing them may not realize they are actually dealing with “replacements.”

Sheriff Arpaio – Law Enforcement Harassment

Uploaded on Jul 31, 2011
TI – Targeted Individual – is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individuals called “perps” for the purpose of human experimentations.

OSEH – Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment – are methods use by perps in targeting a specific person for the purpose of inducing harm and possibly death.

DEW – Direct Energy Weapon – are device used for OSEH purposes, weapons can be microwave with pulp frequencies, v2k or other electronic and hearing devices.

V2K – voice to skull device – is a weapon use for transmitting voices with low or high frequencies. Voices can be for commands or harassments attacks that may look like the TI’s own voice. V2K can also use to induce or manipulate dreams or to deprived TI sleeps.

“Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig’s opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged.” – Allen Barker, NPT Theorem

“Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person’s life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.” — Mark M. Rich
