Beach Drama 3/03/15

Today as I started my walk at the beach I noticed a young female perp waiting to mimic me. If you exercise at all in your home, the perps like to mimic that a lot. Lunges, stretches, squats, yoga, you name it. This particular little demon was sent to do squats only, the yoga kind which I do with some frequency. As I passed her I mimicked her a couple of times and made a some rude gestures into the wind. I made no direct contact with her. Well she noticed and immediately started calling out to me. “Do you have a problem?” “Do you have a problem?” When I didn’t respond she chased after me and kept asking the same question. I took out my cell phone and turned the camera on and she immediately ran away, turning her face away from the camera. I’ll admit I was acting out in response to a trigger and I was a jerk but I did not A.) Threaten her in any way. B.) Make any direct contact with her, or C.) Violate her civil liberties in any way. Yet I had a feeling she was going to make trouble for me.

As I continued walking South, the Encinitas Lifeguard approaches in his shiny red pickup truck about 25 minutes later. He passes me driving North and pulls over and stops at the far side of the beach right after passing me. About 13 minutes later he passes me again as I walk back North. Again he passes me from the opposite direction driving South. This time he gets closer to me near the water and U-turns immediately after passing me, like he is casing me out. For the next 15-20 minutes he drives slowly ahead of me and paces me about 1/4- 1 mile ahead of me, making frequent stops to talk to people on the beach. He then vanished.

As I near the end of my walk, 3 Carlsbad police men on foot suddenly appear in front of me on the beach (officers Riggin #5205, Zavala #5297, Develasco #5301). They synced exiting onto the beach from the parking lot as I approached the path. I was about 1/4 mile from my car. This was over an hour from the time the “incident” occurred where the female perp followed me. The lifeguard tipped these guys off and they sat there and waited for me to loop back. I was on my cell phone and continued walking past them, I thought they were firemen. As I passed one of them angrily yelled “Ma’am!” “Ma’am, can we talk to you?” And that oh fuck, here we go again feeling comes rushing back. I approached them and they asked me if I had an issue with a female runner earlier on the beach. I told them I was on the phone the whole time I was walking, I did not have an issue with anyone.

They seemed excited about something and I am sure they got a very exaggerated report from this twat. And when I think back she actually looks like a perp who used to live in my building last year who was a big trouble maker. She also harassed the woman who lived above her by shadowing her around with a parabolic microphone all day. When she lived here she reported me to the Sheriff one day for using my car as a weapon and calling her a whore. When the deputies arrived I told them the truth: When she saw me coming down the street that day I saw her run into my driveway. I did not see her again until after I entered the driveway. She was standing in a blind spot on the far right side with her dog, attempting to block my path while I tried to park in my assigned spot, the same fucking way I do every time I come home. And I have a potty mouth BFD! That’s not illegal last time I checked. I would not be surprised if this is the same girl because my neighbors stalk me a lot around the community. Gangstalking is the narcissist’s wet dream come true. They finally found a way to make the world actually revolve around them and fit them instead of having to grow up.

Anyway, these cops at the beach questioned me for a few minutes and let me go after running my license. Where do you live? Where do you work? How long have you lived here? Why do have a day off on Tuesday? How far do you walk here? Why do you start your walk in carlsbad if you live in Encinitas? Are you under the care of a psychiatric doctor? Do you have a mental illness? I kept my composure. I was alone there and not going to put up a fight. But it does bug me, a lot.

I’ve walked regularly on this beach for over 12 years now. I do not speak to the lifeguards that often, but anyone who has been working there for a while would recognize me. I also help them out by picking up litter and alerting them to marine and wildlife in need of rescues. There have been a couple of troublesome people I reported to them, but I never felt like the police needed to get involved. I have seen the lifeguards more over the past 2.5 years than I have in the previous 10 years combined.

This same lifeguard passed me 3 times today, all 3 times I was on my phone. If there was an “issue”, why didn’t he just ask me about it? I am a white female, 140#, unarmed. Are you telling me they can’t handle that? Instead they escalated the situation and called the police. Likely in hopes that I would get another 5150 or get killed. This lifeguard never approached me for the same reason my coworkers never asked me to leave my office the day they mobbed me in 2012. They had no right to ask me to leave because I wasn’t doing anything wrong. This lifeguard had no right to question me either because he knew the whole story was utter BS. I always feel shattered after these encounters and they know it because of the chronic PTSD.

Being a TI is like having a Federal dick up your ass 24/7. It is complete annihilation of your dignity, freedom, rights, happiness, confidence, trust, sexuality, sense of security and reality. It’s like having a choke collar around your brain that is constantly being yanked for no reason other than the person on the other end of it is a demonic cunt. And you can’t dare react in a negative way or it just gets yanked harder.

By the way if you look closely at the picture of the cops on the beach, you see a civilian male standing at the parking lot entrance directly behind them. I think this guy signaled them when they were waiting for me in the parking lot. He followed me all the way to my car and pulled some more theater on the beach with 2 other men before I left.

Here come the rice-grain-sized brain implants: Stanford discovers way of beaming power to microimplants deep inside your body

Here come the rice-grain-sized brain implants: Stanford discovers way of beaming power to microimplants deep inside your body

DARPA Invading The Privacy of Your Mind

Published on Mar 15, 2014
It used to be that your privacy was invaded by people entering your home and going through your personal possessions or by intercepting and reading your mail. Then they invaded your private cyberspace. Now they are openly preparing you for then next assault — invading the privacy of your mind.

Government Gang Stalking secrets 1

Published on Jan 23, 2014
Here you will see how the US government is misusing their power for all types of horrific manipulations to bring americans under more control.Pay close attention and realize that this is very well funded and organize with the help of organizations that supposed to be the law.Pay close attentions to whats happening lately in school shootings and shootings all over the place here.

Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard Shooting Suspect, Thought People Followed Him With Microwave Machine

Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard Shooting Suspect, Thought People Followed Him With Microwave Machine

Aaron Alexis was a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL. Tortured with V2K, DEW, and Organized Gang Stalking. 

This is not about mental illness, this is not about psych meds, this is not about gun control, this is not about addictions to violent video games.