Beach Drama 3/03/15

Today as I started my walk at the beach I noticed a young female perp waiting to mimic me. If you exercise at all in your home, the perps like to mimic that a lot. Lunges, stretches, squats, yoga, you name it. This particular little demon was sent to do squats only, the yoga kind which I do with some frequency. As I passed her I mimicked her a couple of times and made a some rude gestures into the wind. I made no direct contact with her. Well she noticed and immediately started calling out to me. “Do you have a problem?” “Do you have a problem?” When I didn’t respond she chased after me and kept asking the same question. I took out my cell phone and turned the camera on and she immediately ran away, turning her face away from the camera. I’ll admit I was acting out in response to a trigger and I was a jerk but I did not A.) Threaten her in any way. B.) Make any direct contact with her, or C.) Violate her civil liberties in any way. Yet I had a feeling she was going to make trouble for me.

As I continued walking South, the Encinitas Lifeguard approaches in his shiny red pickup truck about 25 minutes later. He passes me driving North and pulls over and stops at the far side of the beach right after passing me. About 13 minutes later he passes me again as I walk back North. Again he passes me from the opposite direction driving South. This time he gets closer to me near the water and U-turns immediately after passing me, like he is casing me out. For the next 15-20 minutes he drives slowly ahead of me and paces me about 1/4- 1 mile ahead of me, making frequent stops to talk to people on the beach. He then vanished.

As I near the end of my walk, 3 Carlsbad police men on foot suddenly appear in front of me on the beach (officers Riggin #5205, Zavala #5297, Develasco #5301). They synced exiting onto the beach from the parking lot as I approached the path. I was about 1/4 mile from my car. This was over an hour from the time the “incident” occurred where the female perp followed me. The lifeguard tipped these guys off and they sat there and waited for me to loop back. I was on my cell phone and continued walking past them, I thought they were firemen. As I passed one of them angrily yelled “Ma’am!” “Ma’am, can we talk to you?” And that oh fuck, here we go again feeling comes rushing back. I approached them and they asked me if I had an issue with a female runner earlier on the beach. I told them I was on the phone the whole time I was walking, I did not have an issue with anyone.

They seemed excited about something and I am sure they got a very exaggerated report from this twat. And when I think back she actually looks like a perp who used to live in my building last year who was a big trouble maker. She also harassed the woman who lived above her by shadowing her around with a parabolic microphone all day. When she lived here she reported me to the Sheriff one day for using my car as a weapon and calling her a whore. When the deputies arrived I told them the truth: When she saw me coming down the street that day I saw her run into my driveway. I did not see her again until after I entered the driveway. She was standing in a blind spot on the far right side with her dog, attempting to block my path while I tried to park in my assigned spot, the same fucking way I do every time I come home. And I have a potty mouth BFD! That’s not illegal last time I checked. I would not be surprised if this is the same girl because my neighbors stalk me a lot around the community. Gangstalking is the narcissist’s wet dream come true. They finally found a way to make the world actually revolve around them and fit them instead of having to grow up.

Anyway, these cops at the beach questioned me for a few minutes and let me go after running my license. Where do you live? Where do you work? How long have you lived here? Why do have a day off on Tuesday? How far do you walk here? Why do you start your walk in carlsbad if you live in Encinitas? Are you under the care of a psychiatric doctor? Do you have a mental illness? I kept my composure. I was alone there and not going to put up a fight. But it does bug me, a lot.

I’ve walked regularly on this beach for over 12 years now. I do not speak to the lifeguards that often, but anyone who has been working there for a while would recognize me. I also help them out by picking up litter and alerting them to marine and wildlife in need of rescues. There have been a couple of troublesome people I reported to them, but I never felt like the police needed to get involved. I have seen the lifeguards more over the past 2.5 years than I have in the previous 10 years combined.

This same lifeguard passed me 3 times today, all 3 times I was on my phone. If there was an “issue”, why didn’t he just ask me about it? I am a white female, 140#, unarmed. Are you telling me they can’t handle that? Instead they escalated the situation and called the police. Likely in hopes that I would get another 5150 or get killed. This lifeguard never approached me for the same reason my coworkers never asked me to leave my office the day they mobbed me in 2012. They had no right to ask me to leave because I wasn’t doing anything wrong. This lifeguard had no right to question me either because he knew the whole story was utter BS. I always feel shattered after these encounters and they know it because of the chronic PTSD.

Being a TI is like having a Federal dick up your ass 24/7. It is complete annihilation of your dignity, freedom, rights, happiness, confidence, trust, sexuality, sense of security and reality. It’s like having a choke collar around your brain that is constantly being yanked for no reason other than the person on the other end of it is a demonic cunt. And you can’t dare react in a negative way or it just gets yanked harder.

By the way if you look closely at the picture of the cops on the beach, you see a civilian male standing at the parking lot entrance directly behind them. I think this guy signaled them when they were waiting for me in the parking lot. He followed me all the way to my car and pulled some more theater on the beach with 2 other men before I left.

More Stooges, Losers, and Dipshits

Tonight I shopped at Sprout’s Market on Encinitas Blvd. in Encinitas, CA. I rarely go here anymore because it’s infested w/ perp employees. As soon as I walk in the front door there are 2 employees right in my path “stocking” produce. They make busy work all over the store as soon as the target comes in. I go to produce and my path is blocked by a cart that an employee swings out into the aisle right before I pass. A minute later, an abandoned cart blocks another aisle. I move to another section and the same 2 employees from the front door are now standing nearby again with more “busy work”. A third employee now enters my aisle with a large cart full of boxes. I go to pick up some juice and another employee is waiting at the end of the aisle “stocking”. Another employee passes me and starts talking to her loudly and rushed about some more work they need to do.

Right before I go to check out, a male employee makes an announcement on the microphone “Attention all employees, Code T. We are having a Code T” When I asked another employee if “T” was for target, he smiled and said it was for the trash. When I get to the checkout lane a woman is standing there blocking me from putting my items on the belt. She acts oblivious talking to the cashier. She holds an opened chocolate bar in front of her face and takes small bites. This is mimicking harassment. She is with a man and they both do the “happy chatty” act with the cashier to hold up the line. Before she leaves she asks the cashier “Oh do you carry vinegar? The white vinegar?” This is mimicking harassment as well and directed conversation. What a stupid question. After she finished her candy bar I hope she went home and blew her husband and gave herself a nice white vinegar douche.

All the stores I shop at now have the exact same digital payment machine. The exact same model in every store, same screen/ same display/ same keypad. Tonight I noticed this and commented on it to the cashier.  He agreed they are now all the same. I told him I thought that was creepy. He said “Oh well it’s not about 1984 or anything.” I replied “Actually I think it’s all about 1984”. He then stroked his left chest with his right hand which is mimicking and sexual harassment. Right after he did this he said to the cashier in the lane behind me “She’s not int he mood.” As I turned to leave a blonde employee walked right in front of the exit, this is synchronized harassment and blocking. She narrowly missed blocking me and I let my bag of groceries bump into her as she was on my right. Just because she is a cunt 🙂

Gang Stalking is COINTELPRO

<a href=”; title=”Gang Stalking is COINTELPRO (Gang Stalking is COINTELPRO (<click here)

“Gang stalking groups” have a substantially identical modus operandi to the FBI’s Special Surveillance Groups or “SSG’s”. These SSG’s were developed in the 1970’s to combat Soviet espionage. Today, these tactics have been taught to criminals, through FBI channels, for domestic COINTELPRO operations against American citizens.

Continue reading at Gang Stalking is COINTELPRO | NowPublic News Coverage

The Replacements

I’m going to write some things in this post that a lot of people are not ready to hear, including other TI’s. It’s something I’ve wanted to write about since I started this blog but didn’t know how. I still really don’t, and a lot of it is hypothesis, but I feel compelled to put it out there before it’s too late for some people, or a lot of people. This topic is one of the most puzzling and horrifying parts of my harassment. I have only encountered about 4-5 other TI’s who know about it or have been exposed to it.

Perps like to gaslight targets, or change their perception of reality, turning it into a surreal, dream-like setting. There are lots of ways they do this. One of the ways is with look-alikes, or “replacements”. I have also heard them referred to as “surrogates”, “twins”, “imposters”, and “doubles”. One TI said there are even “triplets” sometimes. I just saw an awful story on Facebook about farmers skinning a Mom’s dead calf and placing the skin over another live calf like a jacket to fool her. I’m not sure what the purpose is, but this is extremely cruel and confusing to the Mom. Perps are doing a similar thing to people right now.  I was bombarded with look-alikes when my targeting became overt last summer. And they are still doing it consistently in one setting.

These are my thoughts/ observations on “replacements”:

– They are made to look very similar to the person they are impersonating. Some are almost identical while others are very obviously a “cheap knockoff”. The identical ones are often used to impersonate family members, they are the most terrifying. The shoddy impersonators are used at work, local businesses, dentist’s office, therapist’s office, sheriff dept., to impersonate your neighbors, etc. in order to agitate the target. These will be very obvious to you but the torture is not being able to bust them for it.

– I don’t know if they are using actual clones, cloning specific features, plastic surgery, and/or facial transplants for the identical replacements. They will try to pass these ones off as family members, and they will be very convincing as they will know a lot about your family, but they will make mistakes. And of course, they will exhibit behaviors from your harassment protocol.

– Replacements are used for both perps and targets. When a perp has a replacement, it is for the purpose of gaslighting. When a target has a replacement, I think it means the target is dead or otherwise completely neutralized ( see below). I am certain they had a replacement ready for me last summer. I think it’s possible they might also gaslight low-level perps with look-alikes of the target.

– When a target is replaced, I think it means one of three things: the original target is dead, in jail, or institutionalized. If they are in jail or institutionalized, the perps must be pretty confident they are not getting out if they have replaced them. I am wondering if this is where NDAA is coming into play. If you can now be detained indefinitely, for no just reason, without any family contact, who’s to say they aren’t putting people in FEMA camps already? If the people in camps have been “replaced” by identical people (perps) out in society, no one will know until it is way too late. The other advantage to perps is that these identical replacements will be programmed to terrorize the rest of us.

– If a target is imprisoned or institutionalized and “replaced” with a double in society, this actually constitutes a kidnapping and fraud.

– If a target is programmed for a self initiated execution i.e. suicide and “replaced” with a double in society, this constitutes a murder, or a conspiracy to murder and fraud.

– I recently read that in the US, suicide has surpassed motor vehicle accidents as the number one cause of death from injury. Because of the above, I think the suicide rate is MUCH higher than what we know. If the suicide can be hidden and swept under the rug so no one knows about it, the target can be replaced seamlessly. I think this also goes for targets who go in for surgeries/procedures and are possibly murdered and replaced while they under anesthesia. I am certain some targets are “getting help” dying after being admitted to hospitals for medical problems and surgeries. Not all are replaced, if they had serious health problems to begin with, they don’t have to make the effort.

– Some of this may tie into what has happened in Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Boston. Many are saying these people are crisis actors and frauds, with some of the same characters being used more than once. And a possible look-alike being used now for the Boston bombing victim who had both legs injured.

– Replacing targeted family members with identical perps may be the reason for the recent increase in family suicide-murders.

-Some targets who think they are dealing with perp family members harassing them may not realize they are actually dealing with “replacements.”

Gang Stalking: America’s Cointelpro Democracy

You are not alone, TI’s. The closing statement on this video is the truth I’ve come to realize over the past 10 months. Every time I see a story like this in the news now, I know exactly why it happened and how. America is being invaded by an enemy that looks exactly like you and me (that hasn’t showered for the past 3 months). It’s the perfect crime.