Secret Service Terrorizes Innocent Family

This is what is happening to innocent people all over the country every day. We now live in a Nazi Police State.

More Stooges, Losers, and Dipshits

Tonight I shopped at Sprout’s Market on Encinitas Blvd. in Encinitas, CA. I rarely go here anymore because it’s infested w/ perp employees. As soon as I walk in the front door there are 2 employees right in my path “stocking” produce. They make busy work all over the store as soon as the target comes in. I go to produce and my path is blocked by a cart that an employee swings out into the aisle right before I pass. A minute later, an abandoned cart blocks another aisle. I move to another section and the same 2 employees from the front door are now standing nearby again with more “busy work”. A third employee now enters my aisle with a large cart full of boxes. I go to pick up some juice and another employee is waiting at the end of the aisle “stocking”. Another employee passes me and starts talking to her loudly and rushed about some more work they need to do.

Right before I go to check out, a male employee makes an announcement on the microphone “Attention all employees, Code T. We are having a Code T” When I asked another employee if “T” was for target, he smiled and said it was for the trash. When I get to the checkout lane a woman is standing there blocking me from putting my items on the belt. She acts oblivious talking to the cashier. She holds an opened chocolate bar in front of her face and takes small bites. This is mimicking harassment. She is with a man and they both do the “happy chatty” act with the cashier to hold up the line. Before she leaves she asks the cashier “Oh do you carry vinegar? The white vinegar?” This is mimicking harassment as well and directed conversation. What a stupid question. After she finished her candy bar I hope she went home and blew her husband and gave herself a nice white vinegar douche.

All the stores I shop at now have the exact same digital payment machine. The exact same model in every store, same screen/ same display/ same keypad. Tonight I noticed this and commented on it to the cashier.  He agreed they are now all the same. I told him I thought that was creepy. He said “Oh well it’s not about 1984 or anything.” I replied “Actually I think it’s all about 1984”. He then stroked his left chest with his right hand which is mimicking and sexual harassment. Right after he did this he said to the cashier in the lane behind me “She’s not int he mood.” As I turned to leave a blonde employee walked right in front of the exit, this is synchronized harassment and blocking. She narrowly missed blocking me and I let my bag of groceries bump into her as she was on my right. Just because she is a cunt 🙂

Homeless Round Up Has Begun: Depopulation Agenda

Under the radar from the prying eyes of the public, Citys have made it legal to get rid of their homeless problem. Is this coming to a town near you? In America they have made it a crime to be homeless. Where are they putting the people from these “Round Ups”? This is not a Conspiracy Theory Anymore… As The Federal Reserve continues to print money for Quantitative Easing and keep the interest rate near zero percent, another housing bubble is forming. Once it breaks up, there will be a lot of people turning into homeless. Not to mention Unemployment. Where will the Government put all these homeless people? They are now using a more suttle approach to round up homeless people under the banner of goodwill while secretly shipping these people away to relocation centers for Extermination. I Hope I’m Wrong. Stay At The Ready…

Elizabeth Smart Says Kidnapper Was A ‘Master At Manipulation’

Elizabeth Smart Says Kidnapper Was A ‘Master At Manipulation’

Elizabeth Smart was interviewed on NPR yesterday. When she was 14, Elizabeth was kidnapped from her home and enslaved and tortured for 9 months before being reunited with her family. The thoughts/feelings Smart had during her horrific experience are very similar to what TI’s experience. She describes being made to feel like “nothing”, stripped of all self worth and having everything she knew and loved ripped away from her. Her whole life was turned upside down. Reduced to a shell of herself, she was forced into “survival mode” on a daily basis.

TI’s experience the exact same thing via a “virtual kidnapping” that takes place in their own home/ community/ workplace/ family/social circle. With the help of technology, TI’s are unwittingly scrutinized, judged, and exploited 24/7 for years, only to have their life go up in an inferno of destruction when they finally discover they are a target. TI’s are dissected and then stripped of every last shred of dignity; made to question and doubt every thing and every person they know, including loved ones. All of the same abuses and mind control tactics Smart endured are experienced by TI’s within their own homes and communities, including sexual abuse.

Smart was rescued in San Diego, the city in which I reside. Law enforcement is so corrupt here it’s astounding they helped crack this case. I can’t help wondering if the same network of gang stalkers who abuse me were involved in helping her two captors traffick her around. I’m sure her captors knew about this network. May they rot in hell.

Smart was united with her family and has started a foundation to help missing/trafficked children. Most TI’s and trafficking victims will never be so lucky as to be reunited with their families or feel safe again. But I am happy for her, she is a survivor and this was not just due to luck.