Police/Fire Dept./ Lifeguard Harassment log 5/11/13

7:30 am  – Passed Sheriff or CHP patrol car stopped on the side of the road one block from my home. Both officers were standing next to the car with a female civilian.

8:00 am –  Passed by Police patrol car.

3:19 pm  – Passed by a Police patrol car while driving.

3:28 pm – Passed Police patrol car parked right next to the road at a business.

4:35 pm  – Walking to the beach, passed by a firetruck and an ambulance with lights and sirens on. When I arrive at the beach, there is a red lifeguard truck, an ambulance, a firetruck, and a Sheriff patrol car all parked at the entrance. They are preparing to put a actor patient on a gurney.

9:36 pm – Passed a “traffic stop” in the turn lane, 2 Sheriff patrol cars, one with lights flashing.

Gang Stalking: America’s Cointelpro Democracy

You are not alone, TI’s. The closing statement on this video is the truth I’ve come to realize over the past 10 months. Every time I see a story like this in the news now, I know exactly why it happened and how. America is being invaded by an enemy that looks exactly like you and me (that hasn’t showered for the past 3 months). It’s the perfect crime.